11/5/24: A SWEET Side Hustle; Food Stories in the News
Because Everybody Eats - Food for Fun & Health
Welcome to our new newsletter, “The Grocery Cart”. This idea is that this will be a newsletter about FOOD…new products, food fads and trends, memes maybe even some things about farming and agriculture and supplements… Open to hear your ideas and suggestions!
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE if this interests you!
🍰Spotlight: SWEET Side Hustle: Facebook Group for DESSERTS
Connect with dietitian Jessie Carpenter and join the“The One Dessert a Day Club” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1676185433172427
Q1: What’s your “day job” as a dietitian?
Answer: My real day job outside of being a Mom … working remotely for Nourish, for Dietitians on Demand (for an acute care facility), and those with kidney/diabetes/weight loss needs through my private practice called Nutrition Prescription.
Q2: What’s your “side hustle” and why did you start it?
Answer: I just started a Facebook group called "The One Dessert a Day Club" and it's super fun! I'm not doing it for money and I'm not doing it for gaining clients. It's simply just for me and others to post yummy desserts! I also try to make the group educational by offering "TIP TUESDAY" where I feature a baking tip, and I try to make it more interactive with a "SCRUMPTIOUS SATURDAY”, “tell me what you made this week’.
Q3: What’s your favorite dessert?
Answer: My favorite dessert that I've posted is Apple Pie Cinnamon Rolls -- I wanted to use the fresh apples I had just picked in a nearby orchard (I currently live in Massachusetts) and I've been intimidated to make cinnamon rolls from scratch, so it killed two birds with one stone, ha! I think the Southern Pecan Caramel Cake is a favorite from someone else's post.
📃On the List
❓🥤What Do You Think? What happens when a quick serve/fast-food restaurant gets dietitian buy in/approval/partnership on a special “GLP-1 Support Menu” featuring smoothies?
You're probably familiar with the term "health😇 halo" when a food product is assumed to be better than it is because of a label...for example "organic candy" ...or how about 🟢🌿"greenwashing"? i.e. when a company claims a product has a certain environmental attribute so it might be seen more favorably, like Oatly claiming a low carbon footprint compared to dairy 🥛milk (which they couldn't substantiate).
So, what would you call it when a company hires a ‘team of dietitians’ to give a somewhat questionable or trendy food product a stamp of approval? RD Washing?
Does this give the product more credibility? A “health halo”? Will people on GLP-1’s be more inclined to buy these smoothies because they are being promoted as created by a team of dietitians? What do you think of this product?
(Note: We’re not bashing this dietitian the team of dietitians, we don’t even know if they were compensated for helping Smoothie King…it would be interesting to learn more.)
📱How Social Media Drives Food Sales (of🥒 Cucumbers)
🛒Dietitian Karen Collins: How to Save Money on Groceries and Still Eat Healthy
What sort of tips do you give your clients/patients on ways to save?