I do agree there are those who spread misinformation, however, I'm not comfortable with the comment at the end of the article by the dietitian stating this is a white supremacist situation or comment without there being data presented showing the numbers of those benefiting from snap who fit into different race categories. I personally worked in an area where the majority of the low income families were white and the majority of those that I saw using their SNAP cards were purchasing foods that were not nutrient dense and health benefiting -- was that more of an exception based on location and the population? Perhaps? Possibly? I feel like Hyman did not present accurate information, but I also think the comment on "white supremacy" is not relevant to the point of the article.

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here is data on racial makeup of SNAP participants https://frac.org/blog/new-usda-report-provides-picture-of-who-participates-in-snap This link wasn't directly in the newsletter but is referred to in other publications linked. Thanks for reading!

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